Authentic Ipv Mini 30w by P4u Blue

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  1. Hello all,
    Currently I'm using Kanger aerotank mega. What is the best mod or battery for this. Currently I'm using a VPro spinner battery that adjusts up to 4.8V. I use it around 3.8V to 4.0V. I'm looking for a battery that will not produce less Vape the more it is used. What do you suggest?
  2. The battery you're using right now is totally fine for the Aerotank Mega.

    You might want to consider upgrading to a Eleaf iStick, or maybe even an IPV2S. With the heads in the Mega, you don't really need to fire higher than 4V (any higher and you'll likely experience burnt hits).

  3. opensec

    opensec Super Member Verified Member

    $51.67 (Ship from USA)Authentic IPV Mini 30W by P4U - Blue

    without hesitation that would be my advice, 30 w is plenty enough and will allow you to get into rebuildables when you will feel like it (you will eventually)

  4. That's what I meant, not the IPV2S. 60W would be more than you need (but would allow the room for you to move into rebuildables if/when you wanted to do that).
  5. Dekay

    Dekay Senior Member ECF Veteran

    So, basically you want an regulated mod. iirc the mega is 22mm in diameter. So any regulated mod with 22mm in diameter would do the trick.

    Or as suggested an boxmod.

    I like the provari (unfortunately I don't own one) and sigelei zmax (I own one :) )

    But if you can afford it, I would buy provari.

  6. Silver Bullet always gets my vote, It's old but it's a workhorse and I have had 0 problems with it.
  7. I use a VAMO v3 with my mega. works like a charm, and looks great as well
  8. Used a MVP 2 on mine, worked great! If you're looking for something small try out the iStick as well :)
  9. I like the pen style battery but really what works best and is reliable is what's needed.
  10. Provari is rediculouse priced.
  11. Davey59

    Davey59 Super Member Verified Member ECF Veteran

    I have used my Mega's on My KSD VAMO, SVD, Vision Spinner2 and tried in on an Istick at a B&M. They all work great. Of course the Spinner lacks vape time. I will put it one on my VTR too after I cut the ring off :)

    If you don't have to have the latest greatest bla bla bla you can pick up these older tech mods cheap these days. If you go Vamo I love mine dearly absolutely get a KSD.

  12. InTheShade

    InTheShade Vaping Master Verified Member ECF Veteran

    Not really.


    Now that's an expensive e-cig.

    Seriously, it really depends what you are looking for.

    I would recommend the iStick honestly. It has a built in battery, so you don't need to buy any other batteries and charger like you would if you went for a tube APV like a Vamo or a box mod like an IPV.

    It's also inexpensive, has a small form factor (tiny in fact), can last over a day of vaping and are wildly popular at the moment - for all those reasons I mentioned.

    I know when I am looking to buy, I do a ton of research as there are hundreds of different devices out there, and new ones coming to market all the time. I suggest you do the same. What works for me (or other forum members) might not work for you.

    I would recommend looking around, seeing something you like the look of, then looking for reviews here on the forum / you tube to see the pros and cons of it.

    Good resource is right here on ECF on the <--- have a look around, click through some threads and see what people are saying about their favorite APV. Might give you some ideas you'd not considered.

  13. Dekay

    Dekay Senior Member ECF Veteran

    That's true. Well, at least it's one of the more expensive devices

    But I believe I've read a posting here on ecf which confirms it's reliability. Postings headline is something like "every us soldier should have one" xD that topic actually made me laugh back then. But everyone I know says so. It's an rock solid mod.

    But really bit expensive. That's the reason I don't own one yet. Sigelei zmax was claimed reliable too. So I got the sigelei.

    But nevermind that. Just go for that what you think it's suits best. Just make sure it's at least an regulated mod/device (that's what you asked for in the OP) and preferably with replaceable 18650 battery's. Otherwise you most likely have to buy 2 mods if one is running out of power, you have to plug it in to charge.

    Edit: that's the posting I mean't
    Troops Should Own ProVari

  14. i run mine on a mvp 2.0 works well. i got it from 101 vape for 39 bucks plus shipping not sure if there still running the sale or not.
  15. Dekay

    Dekay Senior Member ECF Veteran

    Haha, that reminds me of something else. At least the mouth piece / drip tip has something Sofia like in it xD
  16. I'm really considering the Eleaf istick
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